We need to fly

We need to fly

Olio su tela 60×50 cm 2021
Oil on canvas 60×50 cm 2021

Parlando di COVID-19

Occhi propongono dubbi alle sfere sapienti
Statue trattenute nel loro alveare Fortini igenizzati Confini sbarrati In un tempo quasi fermo la fragilità è divenuta esperienza quotidiana Orizzonti stravolti ed anticipati da statistiche e numeri Le previsioni astrologiche non portano a maturazione le loro parole
Talking abaut COVID-19
Eyes propose doubts to the wise spheres Statues held in their hive Sanitized forts Boundaries closed
In an almost stagnant time, fragility has become a daily experience

Horizons distorted and anticipated by statistics and numbers
Astrological predictions do not bring their words to maturity